latest news astrology horoscopes

Girly e-Cards Now Available To Send!

Saturday 7th January 2006

OK this ones for the ladies (which is 80% of my visitors). I've decided to do something really nice for you all. I've convinced the company who own the "capitalchicks" brand to let me use some of their girly jokes as e-Cards. This is a British girl humour brand which has been endorsed by big celebs like Kylie Minogue (yes its true!) and Kelly Brook, and even sponsored the Banger Sisters and Legally Blonde 2 film premieres. Luckily the company director agreed to my request and Crazy Horoscopes currently has exclusive use of the capitalchicks jokes as e-Cards! Maybe its because I'm such a smooth talker, or maybe its because I own an elephant shaped refrigerator inside which I keep 1000 jugs filled with rubber balls, for fun. Who knows!? Anyway make sure you send out a fabulous girl humour e-Card to all your friends. Theres even lots of stuff on there to keep you "bitter types" amused, if you've just broken up with your boyfriend or are angry with him cos he never lets you watch Desperate Housewives. Click here to see what you are missing!

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