This is the kind of poetry you would write if you were mashed up on ecstacy pills, crack and absinthe. This was originally written as a joke but for some reason, people are actually using it to send erotic, emo poems to each other. Personally I wouldn't touch it, unless I was deeply in love with a beautiful, tall, slim girl who had a really good sense of humour and zero temper... (*sigh* Easter bunny, tooth fairy, Santa Claus, etc).

(Remember: If you don't like the poem, just press the refresh button on your browser to generate a new one)

Thy sweet innocent scent alone would drive the Goddess Aphrodite herself to bleed tears of envy

Electric arcs firing within me are nothing compared to when thy tongue dances with mine

If I had a dying wish, it would be to stare into thy eyes and taste thy sugared lips, before bathing in your sweet scent

Oh sweet envy of Aphrodite! Cast thy dagger of love into my heart and consume me with the flames of thy lust

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Random Guy Joke #250
Things You Should Never Say To a Naked Guy
No 08: It's OK, we'll work around it.

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