latest news astrology horoscopes

New Website Launched!

Monday 17th October 2005

Yes finally after many days of thinking, re-designing, and setting fire to stuff, Ive finally gone ahead and updated the website to make it look a little bit neater and tidier. Besides the obvious new layout, theres some extra features. Theres now 6 different types of horoscopes instead of just the one which should keep you all busy for a few more minutes. The dreams section has been moved to a new section called "psychic" where you will find several more toys to play with. And last but not least, the online store is now officially open. Make sure you have a sniff around there and see if any of the items take your fancy. Im still adding more items to the shop, so please be patient. No doubt theres still a several bugs floating around in this new site somewhere, and it probably wont be long before it falls over or someone emails me to tell me a certain section isnt working, but hey Ill cross that bridge when I get to it. In the meanwhile have fun and enjoy the new Crazy Horoscopes Website! :)

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